Andrew Giambrone joins WNYC Newsroom
Read more in this note from David Giambusso, Day-of editor

We’re thrilled to welcome Andrew Giambrone to our dynamic Day-of news team as the full-time Assistant Editor – a role he’s been expertly managing in a temporary capacity since September.
Andrew is a New York City native who recently worked for WAMU/DCist as a reporter and editor for air and web. His work has also appeared in Slate, the MIT Technology Review, The American Prospect, Jacobin, Washingtonian, The CITY, and New York Focus.
Andrew has been handling a variety of crucial assignments these past months and demonstrating a sharp eye for editing, managing stories on tight deadlines, and providing keen insights on a range of coverage areas.
The reporters and editors who’ve worked with him all see him as a thorough, kind and generous colleague who works adeptly under pressure.
Andrew has also written several short-term, investigative stories including a piece on the city’s lack of budget transparency around the migrant crisis and the closure of free nutrition programs at city hospitals.
In his permanent role he will continue to manage the Day-of team on Monday mornings and Friday nights and provide key support for our desk and the newsroom as an editor and reporter throughout the week.
Andrew lives in Bay Ridge with his husband and dog, enjoys indoor rock climbing, and is always searching for Brooklyn’s best eateries.
In his short time here he’s had an outsize impact and will continue to do so in a permanent capacity, effective immediately. Please join us in officially welcoming Andrew to the team.